Sunday 30 September 2012

CGA3 - "ChiChee"

Name: Chichee

                    Chichee is a pet simulation game on iPod and Android. It is made by Andrew G., the programmer, Harry L., the artist, and Michael G., the sound/ audio producer during Great Canadian Appathon 3. The objective in the game is to raise Chichee from a baby to a talented baby.

                    The control in Chichee is very simple. Players navigate or interact with Chichee, the pet, by simply tap and drag on the screen. By tapping on Chichee and drag, players can allow Chichee to do different things to learn skills from. At the beginning, Chichee knows nothing and needs player to guide it to become skillful in different areas. 

                    When players tap the box at the bottom right corner of the screen, it shows the status of Chichee and how good it is in different areas. From left to the right, top to bottom, there are:

Health: indicates how healthy Chichee is. When it reaches 0, Chichee will be unconscious.
Hunger: indicates how hungry Chichee is. when it is below a certain point, Chichee needs food to become active again.
Flying: indicates how skillful Chichee is at flying.
Swimming: indicates how skillful Chichee is at swimming.
Running: indicates how fast Chichee can run and other related activities.
Art: indicates how artistic Chichee is and how great the things it can create.
Intelligence: indicates how smart Chichee is and how much more things it can do.
Happiness: indicates how happy Chichee is. Happiness affects Chichee's behaviour and it can be increase by exploring, exercising, receiving things from players, etc.

In this version, Chichee can try the following things:

Chichee can explore, to exercise or discover things hidden in the environment.

Chichee can build and create to become more artistic with sand.

Chichee can learn to swim and play around in the water.

Chichee can learn to fly in spare time or when players fling it around.

                    All actions Chichee does have good result and bad result, which directly affects Chichee's growth and emotion.

Happy: happens when Chichee accomplishes something successfully. It also increases the experience Chichee get.

Panic: happens when Chichee gets into some crucial situations. It also increases Chichee tiredness.

Angry: happens when Chichee is being mistreat by players. Loyalty might decrease if it happens a lot and often.

Frustration: happens when Chichee fails at something. Chichee gets less experience of what it is doing.

Tired: happens when Chichee has done many activities and needs to rest.

                    In order to make Chichee grows faster in various way, we provide more options for players. When they tap the brown box at the corner to open the menu, there are Store, Mini Game, and Setting.

                    In the store, players can purchases toys, tools, and accessories; in mini games, players can win some coins to purchase; and in settings, players can adjust the game and some setting regarding to Chichee.

                    This year, the theme of GCA3 was retro and we only had 2 days to develop a game. We came up with many ideas and eventually we chose this one, a pet simulating game. Reasons were it is easy to make, fun to play with, and suitable for the game we had. There were many great games such as Tamagotchi, Chao Garden, etc, that we had played in childhood and we really wanted to bring them back again. Therefore, we started this project - Chichee. 

                    In this particular game, it is important not to be linear; it has to be able to provide various options/ results, characteristic, and emotional influence in game, so players would invest time into it. The mechanic of the game is very simple. There is only one map to navigate and different event happens accordingly when players tap. There are also store and games that help players to progress, but that is pretty much the same with other games. Therefore, it is important to give lots of personality and actions into Chichee in order to stand out among other pet simulating games. In this version, we include general action and event for Chichee and one mini game, which would be enough for players to grasp a general idea about the game and able to submit it on time for GCA3; like a trial version before the actual, complete, polished game comes out.

                    Chichee is definitely one of the best games I have made so far, and I enjoy making every animation, designing events, skills, mini games, and items. I am looking forward to develop Chichee to the fullest but before that, this is it for now. Stay tuned!





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