Sunday 30 September 2012

CGA3 - "ChiChee"

Name: Chichee

                    Chichee is a pet simulation game on iPod and Android. It is made by Andrew G., the programmer, Harry L., the artist, and Michael G., the sound/ audio producer during Great Canadian Appathon 3. The objective in the game is to raise Chichee from a baby to a talented baby.

                    The control in Chichee is very simple. Players navigate or interact with Chichee, the pet, by simply tap and drag on the screen. By tapping on Chichee and drag, players can allow Chichee to do different things to learn skills from. At the beginning, Chichee knows nothing and needs player to guide it to become skillful in different areas. 

                    When players tap the box at the bottom right corner of the screen, it shows the status of Chichee and how good it is in different areas. From left to the right, top to bottom, there are:

Health: indicates how healthy Chichee is. When it reaches 0, Chichee will be unconscious.
Hunger: indicates how hungry Chichee is. when it is below a certain point, Chichee needs food to become active again.
Flying: indicates how skillful Chichee is at flying.
Swimming: indicates how skillful Chichee is at swimming.
Running: indicates how fast Chichee can run and other related activities.
Art: indicates how artistic Chichee is and how great the things it can create.
Intelligence: indicates how smart Chichee is and how much more things it can do.
Happiness: indicates how happy Chichee is. Happiness affects Chichee's behaviour and it can be increase by exploring, exercising, receiving things from players, etc.

In this version, Chichee can try the following things:

Chichee can explore, to exercise or discover things hidden in the environment.

Chichee can build and create to become more artistic with sand.

Chichee can learn to swim and play around in the water.

Chichee can learn to fly in spare time or when players fling it around.

                    All actions Chichee does have good result and bad result, which directly affects Chichee's growth and emotion.

Happy: happens when Chichee accomplishes something successfully. It also increases the experience Chichee get.

Panic: happens when Chichee gets into some crucial situations. It also increases Chichee tiredness.

Angry: happens when Chichee is being mistreat by players. Loyalty might decrease if it happens a lot and often.

Frustration: happens when Chichee fails at something. Chichee gets less experience of what it is doing.

Tired: happens when Chichee has done many activities and needs to rest.

                    In order to make Chichee grows faster in various way, we provide more options for players. When they tap the brown box at the corner to open the menu, there are Store, Mini Game, and Setting.

                    In the store, players can purchases toys, tools, and accessories; in mini games, players can win some coins to purchase; and in settings, players can adjust the game and some setting regarding to Chichee.

                    This year, the theme of GCA3 was retro and we only had 2 days to develop a game. We came up with many ideas and eventually we chose this one, a pet simulating game. Reasons were it is easy to make, fun to play with, and suitable for the game we had. There were many great games such as Tamagotchi, Chao Garden, etc, that we had played in childhood and we really wanted to bring them back again. Therefore, we started this project - Chichee. 

                    In this particular game, it is important not to be linear; it has to be able to provide various options/ results, characteristic, and emotional influence in game, so players would invest time into it. The mechanic of the game is very simple. There is only one map to navigate and different event happens accordingly when players tap. There are also store and games that help players to progress, but that is pretty much the same with other games. Therefore, it is important to give lots of personality and actions into Chichee in order to stand out among other pet simulating games. In this version, we include general action and event for Chichee and one mini game, which would be enough for players to grasp a general idea about the game and able to submit it on time for GCA3; like a trial version before the actual, complete, polished game comes out.

                    Chichee is definitely one of the best games I have made so far, and I enjoy making every animation, designing events, skills, mini games, and items. I am looking forward to develop Chichee to the fullest but before that, this is it for now. Stay tuned!





Game Design & Production Assignment #3

Name: Be the Master Chef
Number of Players: 2-6


                    "Be the Master Chef" is a collection board game. Players have to dominate 3 cultures out of 6 to win by collecting ingredients and recipes throughout the game.

How to Play:
                     All players roll a 6-sided dice to move and they may trade their ingredients or recipe with another player for once each turn. During the game, all players have to reveal what ingredients and recipe they have to all other players. When players have successfully collect all require ingredients for a recipe in their hands, they can exchange them for a main dish in the super market block, the red block. When players have successfully collect all the main dishes' recipes of one culture, they can return all their recipes and main dishes and exchange them for a culture card immediately. In order to collect ingredients and recipes, players have to land on special block.

Green: Players who land on green block can draw number of cards from the ingredient card pile based on the number stated on the block.

Blue: Players who land on blue block can draw a recipe card from the recipe card pile. If a player already has the recipe in hand or has dominate the culture of the recipe, he/ she has to return the card to the pile, shuffle, and draw another card.

Red: Players who land on red block allow to enter the supermarket. They can choose to draw 2 ingredient cards or 1 recipe card. They can get main dish cards if they have all corresponding ingredients and recipes.


                     There are several types of card in the game.

Ingredient Card: It is the basic card that can be collect easily.

Recipe/ Secondary Dish: It is the card that requires some specific ingredient cards. It has the list of ingredients players need to get it. Players have to collect this in order to get the master dish of a culture.

Primary Dish: It is the card that requires some specific secondary dish and ingredient cards. It has the list of ingredients or secondary dish players need to get it. Players have to collect this in order to dominate a culture.

Master Dish: It is the card that requires some specific primary dish. When players can exchange for a master dish card, it means they have dominated the culture, and when a player has collect the 3rd master dish cards,  he/ she wins the game.

List of Content:

Basic Ingredient:
- Lettuce
- Cheese
- Tomato
- Oil
- Salt
- Water
- Flour
- Potato
- Milk
- Corn
- Rice
- Seaweed
- Fish
- Cucumber
- Shrimp
- Egg
- Sugar
- Onion
- Miso
- Black Pepper
- Pepperoni
- Salad Dressing
- Red Beans
- Bamboo Leaves
- Bok Choy
- Peas
- Butter
- Indian Seasoning
- Baking Powder
- Rum
- Cherry
- Whipped Cream

Primary & Secondary Dish from each Culture:
North American Dishes:
Primary Dishes:
- Burger
- Poutine
- Taco

Secondary Dishes:
- Cooked Meat
- Bread/ Bun
- Fries
- Gravy
- Taco Shell

Japanese Dishes:
Primary Dishes:
- Sushi
- Tempura Shrimp
- Ramen

Secondary Dishes:
- Tempura
- Miso Soup
- Cooked Noodles

Italian Dishes:
Primary Dishes:
- Pasta
- Pizza
- Caesar Salad

Secondary Dishes:
- Pasta Sauce
- Pizza Sauce
- Crust

Chinese Dishes:
Primary Dishes:
- Moon Cake
- Fried Rice
- Sticky Rice

Secondary Dishes:
- Moon Cake dough
- Moon Cake Filling
- Cooked Rice

Indian Dishes:
Primary Dishes:
- Samosa
- Curry Chicken Rice
- Butter Chicken Dish

Secondary Dishes:
- Pastry
- Filling
- Roti
- Seasoned Curry Chicken
- Seasoned Butter Chicken

West European Dishes:
Primary Dishes:
- Fish Chips
- Baba Au Rum
- Cake

Secondary Dishes:
- Fried Fish
- Chips
- Cake Base
- Rum Sauce
- Frosting

Core Idea:
                    This time we have to come up a collection board and we got the idea down pretty quick. The only we need to come up is the theme of the game, which is what the players have to collect. We think of using Alien, but we are looking for some theme that has variety of option for players to choose. At the end, we come up with this idea, which is "Be the Master Chef". It is pretty self-explanatory as the objective of the game is to be superior than other players by collecting different ingredients and dishes from different cultures. This way, players have lots and lots of things to collect depends on what they like or which is easier to collect. So it would be fun to play.

Friday 28 September 2012

Prototype #1 - Jane Austen and Pirates

Name: Pirate Pride & Pirate Prejudice
Number of Players: 2 or 4



                    It is a victory-points-based game; the first player who collects 6 event cards wins the game. There should 1 or 2 players on each team, Elizabeth & Darcy or Pirate Pride & Pirate Prejudice, and the teams' size should be equal.

How to Play:

                    All players start from the 4 red blocks at the corners of the center. 2 players would be one on a corner and another player on the opposite corner. Players take turns to roll 2 6-sided dices to move, and can go straight forward and only turn when the road ends. It is up to players to decide whether they want to go clockwise or counter-clockwise when they start, however, they can not change direction after unless being affected to do so.

                    Once the game starts, players draw 3 events cards from the event card pile and display them to  all players. The event cards stay display in the game until someone fulfills the requirement by collecting characters who would attend any one of those 3 events. Once a player has all the characters required for the event, he/ she gets the event cards. Then shuffle the other 2 event cards into the event card pile, and the character cards back to the character card pile. This applies to other players too; every player has to shuffle his/ her character cards back into the pile once an event card is completed by a player.


                    In order to obtain event card, player needs to obtain character cards. Character cards can be obtain but paying certain amount of coin when player lands on a red block, the post-office block.

Red Block: Player who lands on this block gets to draw 5 cards from the character card pile, and he/ she can buy any character within those 5 cards. Any card that is not purchased has to return and shuffle back into the character card pile.

                    In order to buy character cards, players need to land on yellow block, the coin block, or the grey-green block, the opportunity block, to get coins.

Yellow Block: Player who lands on this block gets 2 coins.

Green Block: Player who lands on this block gets to draw 1 card from the opportunity card pile. Some card effects might be beneficial such as receive coins or move forward.

                    For people who get confused or TL; DR, here is the flowchart to explain the procedure of the game in order to win. Starting from bottom, rolling the dices. Then by any chance to land on yellow or green block to get coins. Then by any chance to purchase character cards according to the event cards that are on display. Lastly, obtain the event card by collect all required characters. Whenever you obtain the 6th event card, you win the game.

Role Card:

                    Before game starts, each player draws a card to determine his/ her team. It is not necessary if players have decided teams already. Role cards are 1 Elizabeth and 1 Darcy as one team, and 1 Pirate Prejudice and 1 Pirate Pride as another team.

Opportunity Card:

                    Above image is the template of opportunity card. An opportunity card is in effect immediately when a player lands on a green block. Its effect might target single player, a specific player, or all player.

Character Card:

                    Above image is one of the character cards. The top states the name of the character; the silhouette icon represents the gender of the character and the box contains information in relation to other characters in the novel. On the final version for prototype, price is listed at the bottom right corner.

                    Players can purchase character card when they land on the red block. All character has expired  time period, which is 5 rounds. After 5 rounds, player has to pay the same amount of money in order to keep the character for another 5 rounds. If 5 rounds are over and player does not pay or does not have enough coin to pay, the character card goes back to the character card pile and shuffle.

Event Card:

                    An event card is display somewhere around the map for player. On the card, it briefly describes the event and the characters who participate in the event. Players need to have all character cards listed on the event card in order to obtain it.

Concepts & Ideas:

                    This time is a little bit different than the previous ones, because not only we have to convert a novel into a board game, we also need to implement new element into the game, which are pirates. This makes the task becomes challenging.

                    First of all, since it is a novel-based board game, we have to somehow tell the story to the players and it has to stay true at the same time. Therefore, we decide to make it victory points based game. The reason is player can only win when they go through a certain amount of content in the game. This way, we can make sure player has received at least certain amount of information no matter how long the game is. 

                    In order to achieve what we expect in the game, we add character cards into it. So players can grasp all the information they need to know about the novel. For example, the cards can help demonstrating the relationship between characters, how they interact with each other characters in different event. By setting the rules to collect event cards to win, they have to understand what is going on and take action in the game. This again brings players closer to novel even if they have not read it before. Lastly, to make it more interesting as a board game, we add opportunity card and in-game currency system to make it more competitive between players and interesting to play.


                    Since I make almost all art assets, I will briefly go through why the art is done this way. 

                    First of all, I thought about adopting the art styles in 1800s to match with the time period of the novel. The most popular one would be neoclassicism, and painting was the major media used in this movement. We want to stay original but it would take lots of time to recreate similar art style. Then, we tried to establish a different art style, however, instead of projecting our imagination of what the characters would look like, we changed it to silhouette. One of the major reasons why is I noticed that Jane Austen does not always describe much about characters' appearance, and I did not want to ruin how players/ readers project the characters in their head. So I decided to go with a simpler art style. Also, considering the time and the amount of content we have in our game, it would be much easier to do the art this way. So we can save more time on the game design, to make the game better and balance.

                    I also used the themes in the novel to name the cards, such as Love, Courtship, Reputation, Journey, Class, and Jealousy. This way, it brings more content from the novel into the board game. Players who never red Pride and Prejudice can have a general idea of what kind of novel it would be about, and players who read the book before can draw more connection to the novel while they are playing the game.

                    One thing I want to point out in the design of opportunity card and the card "JEALOUSY". It is a card with a left eye looking, and basically refers to the green eye monster mentioned in Shakespeare's works, which represents jealousy. Therefore, I made opportunity cards all green because of this card, as a salute to Shakespeare's literature. 

Implement of Pirate:

                    After we designed everything, we had to put pirates into the game too, so here it goes. Firstly, since there are 2 pirates, we name them Pirate Pride and Pirate Prejudice, which generates from the novel. Besides just a name of them, it also symbolizes the pride and prejudice that Elizabeth and Darcy have in the novel and eventually they get together through all the obstacle and differences. So it is the same thing when player Elizabeth and player Darcy's objective is to go through the events in the novel in order to be together, and player Pirate Pride and player Prejudice's objective is to stop Elizabeth and Darcy to search for true happiness by collecting the event and ruin it from them.

                    On the other hand, we come up with a system of "purchasing characters from the store", which sounds ridiculous and would not happen in the novel at all. In order to stay true to the story, we call the red block "The Post-Office Block". It is because in 1800's, people communicates with letter. So it is much more reasonable to say "player Elizabeth and player Darcy can pay in the post-office to write invitation letter to character to participate the event with them," since Elizabeth and Darcy attend almost all events in the novel and "player Pirate Pride and player Pirate Prejudice can pay in the post-office to write blackmail letter to character who could participate the event, and once they have blackmail enough characters, the event would not be the same for Elizabeth and Darcy, hence their ending changes." This is one of the reasons why we set the game this way; it is to make sense with pirates being in the story with other characters. We hope people who play this game can feel and understand the novel while have fun playing with it. 

Sunday 23 September 2012

Game Design & Production Assignment#2

Name: Alien Hunter
Number of Players: 4


Red: player's base.
Green: neutral resource/ territory for players to capture, and it gives vary amount of resources according to the number stated on the resource block.
Grey: rock that unit cannot land on or go through.
Purple: a rare neutral resource/ territory locates at the center, and it gives 10 resources to player who captures it.


                    In the distant future there are 3 separate factions vying for control of a planet. One day a Metroid crashes into the planet, containing a mysterious alien race which adapts the environment and copies the other races. The aliens seem to know how use the planets resources very well, and plan to use to it to take over the planet.

Victory Condition:

                    The player with the most territory after 22 rounds wins or all other players are eliminated from the game.

How to Play:

                    Each player starts at each corner with a role and 10 resources, and gains 3 resources every turn as long as the base has not been invade yet. Players can spawn units according to the resources they have and they have to use the units to 1). take more resources 2). eliminate other players' unit 3). invade other players' base.

A unit ScoutBike successfully captures 3 resource blocks; now captured territory = 3.

                    In order to win, players need to expand their territory. They can expand by moving unit onto the neutral or other players' resource and it captures automatically and immediately if there is no other unit. Once a resource block is captured, that player gains more resources every turn until he/ she loses it.

                    One block can only hold one unit. If a player wants to land on a block where there is another unit from another player, they can put their units into combat to determine which one should stay on the block and destroy the other one. If the block happens to be a resource, the winner of the combat takes captures the resource. If the block is a player's base and there is no unit in the base, he/ she is immediately eliminated from the game and all his/ her units and resources now belong to that invader.


                    Before game starts, each player draws a card to determine their role in the game. Each role has a  different attribute. There are 3 roles for 4 players: 1 Alien, 1 Slayer, and 2 Human.

Human: players with human role can spawn human unit, and deal extra damage to slayer's unit.

Alien: players with alien role can spawn alien unit, and deal extra damage to human's unit.

Slayer: players with slayer role can spawn human unit, and deal extra damage to alien's unit.

Each unit has its own cost, strength, and mobility.
Human Unit:

ScoutBike: cost 3 resources to spawn; 3 strength; 3 movement speed.
Buggy: cost 4 resources to spawn; 4 strength; 2 movement speed.

Infantry: cost 5 resources to spawn; 5 strength; 2 movement speed.
Scout Airship: cost 7 resources to spawn; 7 strength; 3 movement speed.

Hover Tank: cost 8 resources to spawn; 8 strength; 2 movement speed.
Heavy Tank: cost 10 resources to spawn; 10 strength; 1 movement speed.

Helicopter: cost 13 resources to spawn; 12 strength; 2 movement speed.
Heavy Air Gunship: cost 16 resources to spawn; 12 strength; 1 movement speed.

Alien Unit:

Alien Lv1: cost 3 resources to spawn; 3 strength; 4 movement speed.
Alien Lv2: cost 6 resources to spawn; 5 strength; 3 movement speed. 

Alien Lv3: cost 10 resources to spawn; 7 strength; 2 movement speed.
Alien Lv4: cost 13 resources to spawn; 11 strength; 1 movement speed.

 Alien Lv5: cost 16 resources to spawn; 16 strength; 2 movement speed.

Core Idea:

                    This is a territorial acquisition board game designed by Terry, Aldwin, Philip, and I. We decided to start of with 4 players at each corner of a rectangle map, so it is easier to set the map and distribute the resources. Then, we put various units for player to use in game. Each unit has different characteristic, which allows player to plan out how to achieve their objective in the game by using different unit accordingly. To make this more interesting, we added different roles for player. So, players can have different play style and strategy, which also increases the replay value of the game. To add on what we already had, we put a big 2x2 resource block in the center, which is a complete game-changing tool. This way we can ensure the game can reach to a certain level of intensity when players have enough resources/ territories and units to fight over it.

all units' and role images © Harry Leung 100456150 @ U.O.I.T.